Friday 20 May 2011

product testing

Product testing Online
Left is a screenshot of our product testing on CG COACH.COM
We received feedback on the animation at an early stage. He mentioned that the movement looked mechanical and we should study from more reference.
We used this advice and began to video ourselves acting out the sign language. This proved useful
we also emailed a few places to get feedback on our product. These places included Headingley primary school. And coHEARent VISON which is a an organisation in leeds that helps the deaf and the blind.
Below is an image of a message that kept appearing when we tried to view our online .swf file. This is a website that would allow feedback on functionality. Unfortunately attempts to rectify this did not work and we unable to get this feedback.

We showed our peers our progression at several stages and each time we got feedback it helped us improve the project.
 This was most noted in functionality and animation. We got feedback on the way our renders moved whether it was positive or negative.
 The functionality was questioned when project pages were in orders that did not make sense to the user. This directly helped us improve functionality and simplify confusing busy pages

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