Friday 20 May 2011

From looking at the Gantt chart showing our group progress on this current project, you can see that we are on track with our project and are confident that we will have a professional product by the deadline presented
As a group, we feel that this product displays a broad range of skills, both technically and creatively. Working in this group has allowed us to experiment with various different ideas, technical processes and software. We feel that we have been a good group in the way that we have shared the workload equally. By dividing up the tasks and processes early on, both of us knew what was expected of us, and by what deadline. Occasionally, we would swap files using Facebook and Hotmail to help each other out. We are both under the impression that constant communication is essential to working well as a group, so that ideas can be shared, and each member of the group receives regular updates about the product and its current stages. Outside of university, we are good friends, which meant that our regular Facebook chat sessions could be utilised for our project. We are both comfortable with the idea of working with each other again on future projects, should the opportunity arise, as we both have similar tastes and styles with regards to our animation, and also our social lives

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