Monday 16 May 2011


‘Happy’ was a difficult sign to animate. The palm to hand contact was difficult to synchronise. I feel that this was successful in this render but the timing was wrong as the second hand contact lingers too long.

This time I fixed some of the unnatural shake that occurred as the hand contact breaks. Also I fixed the timing when the hand lingers of the second hand contact to run smoother across the palm. This makes the whole movement look more realistic. I have slowed the sign down from my reference to make it easier to watch and understand.

This movement was tricky due to the forearm rigging however I feel I made it work well. The initial render shows me moving the hand into focus then showing the movement. This is deliberate to break the move down for teaching purposes. However the arm twists oddly and needed to be rectified.

The fingers curl to quickly and don’t inform the viewer of this action. Also the right arm comes into shot quite awkwardly affects wrist.


In the second render I realised that it was difficult to see how close the hands were to the torso. That is confusing and not accurate. It was this reason I felt I needed to set up lights.

In this render the arm elbow jilts in unnecessarily. This didn’t look smooth and I revisited the sign to rectify this.  This sign had proved a tricky one. I made the sign slower so it is easier to learn from.


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