Sunday 15 May 2011


Letter A
My first render for the alphabet was signing the letter A using BSL finger spelling. The first mistake I noticed was the unnatural movement of the arms as they come down to his side. See below.

After looking at the render I fixed my initial problem and noticed that the avatar was still stiff and didn’t look like smooth movement. I then decided that I would add ‘static movement’ to bring the character more to life. See below.

Another important attribute to the movement was the connection of the hands. I wanted to show that the finger and thumb meet and the thumb gets pushed backwards the index finger. This shows force and contact. See below.

Letter B
This was particularly difficult to get right because the fingers curl and the palm arches.  I tried to keep the extra subtle movements to keep it natural.  I think I achieved this .
I created a new camera close up so that the viewer can see the sign from different angles.

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