Sunday 15 May 2011

Animation Animals

To animate the cat sign I tried to use my research on motion from my research and development portfolio. The wrist has a delayed swing time moving in the opposite direction of the movement of the arm.  This render shows it however is too flimsy. Also the left arm moves in the wrong direction off to an angle which perhaps can be confusing to the viewer. This must be re-iterated.

I have animated the sign language for chicken and I feel that the fingers come up and go back down a bit too quick to really get a view of the sign. This had to be rectified. Also the forearm becomes twisted and doesn’t look natural. It was this reason that I revisited the rig.

I re-rendered the chicken sign after changing some elements. I also rendered it from a different angle. This close up shot helped me analyse this sign from close up and also would be beneficial within the actual product. Seeing the same sign twice from two different angles  is a good way to learn.

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