To ‘rig’ the hand for this prototype I decided the best way would be to use the ‘biped’. After putting it into ‘figure mode’ I began moving the arm and hand into the mesh, fitting it like a glove. I had to ‘move’ and ‘rescale’ all of the bones and joints to best suitably fit the hand for rigging via the ‘physique’ modifier. I then ‘initialized’ the biped to the mesh giving the ability to rig sections of the mesh to bones using ‘envelopes’

Next step was to get the ‘envelopes’ correctly ‘rigged’ over the sections of the mesh. The fingers are close together so I found that the ‘envelopes were catching the fingers beside the finger I was attempting to ‘rig’. This was overcome by picking and locking vertices and increasing and decreasing ‘strength’ and ‘falloff’ within the ‘envelopes’.
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