Friday 10 December 2010

Product Pitch

Learning Sign Language, Hands On!
Aims and objectives
Methods of modelling and rigging a hand in 3ds max
The anatomy of the Human hand and a study of motion
Interactive media programme design
Creating an Interactive media programme

The idea for my Research and planning project came about at a family party when my I was trying to show my younger cousin some of my animation work. He is deaf and I found it hard communicating with him. I began to think about it and discuss methods of teaching sign language with his parents and an animated product seemed like a really good idea. Until this project I haven’t thought much more about it but for this product I will be creating an Interactive media CD ROM that teaches deaf communication. Learning sign language is essential for deaf people and I believe with an interactive animated product I can make it easier and more fun. My product will be specifically aimed at children of a young age and will be highly visual. I like that I can stylise this product in a cartoon fashion that appeals to children as it makes it holds more possibilities. There will be two animated hands which will assist words, phrases and 2d animated images which help define the sign. As a product I think this has a lot of potential and can go international. I thought about other formats such as web design and a step by step DVD, however interacting with a product makes it more fun for the user. To create this product I will need to research several things.
Aims and Objectives
·         Find out how to model, rig and animate a hand in 3ds max
·         Study the anatomy of a hand and study the movement of them
·         Research a variety of interactive media software and design an effective interactive CD ROM based on the teaching of sign language
·         Learn how to make an Interactive CD ROM

Methods of Modelling and Rigging a hand in 3ds max
To create this product I will have to find out the appropriate technique’s to model, rig and animate a human hand in 3ds max
There are a variety of techniques to use including polygon modelling, spline or NURBS curves.  I am most confident with polygon modelling however am open to learning new techniques. I have looked on websites such as tutorialized and good-tutorials and found out that the technique for modelling hand is similar to that of what I’ve already learned. Using photographs as reference and poly modelling. I realise I need to consider how building the model will affect the rigging and animating of the finished product. The model must be textured buy UVW unwrapping. When it comes to creating the skin, I can either use the Skin mesh modifier in 3ds max or use the physique modifier. I will create my own IK bone rig so I have full control of the hand from scratch. This will help me when it comes to animating the product. I have created very basic hands before on other characters and tried to follow certain rules like the positioning of the fingers and joints. These served their purpose on the particular character designs but I need to really think about the human hand when creating it.
The anatomy of the human hand and study of motion
Before I begin constructing my hand I will first have to study hand movement and the muscular construction of a human hand.
I have researched and got plenty of hand information in terms of the anatomy and types of movement that the hand creates. I have got a video of my hand moving around which I have looked at and intend to pick characteristics from. However because the hands are right in front of me I can refer to the movement constantly. Some of the terminology is foreign to me however I have been looking into it and starting to pick up some basics of movement. For example the wrist is tied in very closely with the movement of the forearm, so I have to decide if it’s necessary to create the whole arm. Each ligament in the fingers affects the finger next to it. So in some cases you can’t move just one finger without a finger following. Variations like this I can get away with not animating in however I feel like I want to create a perfect hand to the best of my ability. I have gathered reference photographs from the internet however will use the pictures of my hand to ultimately create the final product. I have pictures of my hand for reference.
Interactive media programme design.
I will research several designs for Interactive media programmes and study effective layouts and compositions. Also I intend to research effective methods to teaching sign language to deaf children.
 After looking at some products already on the market I found some ideas that could incorporate into the final product.  I came across an American Sign Language programme that splits the whole learning process into different categories. Tips Tutor Test Score I felt this was a good thing to consider when designing my final product. The score system could be effective with children as it turns it into a game which is another way children learn from a young age. I have also arranged for a meeting with one of my young cousins who is deaf. His parents will give me advice and references that I can use to learn more about how young children learn sign languages. These techniques should effectively help me plan out a successful interactive teaching programme in terms of necessary content. For the colour scheme I want to create a very bright bold design which children can remain focused on, with a very cartoon style approach. This will contrast against the realistic hands that I am going to create. I feel the hands should remain realistic because as children learn very visually, they need a solid reference of an actual hand to refer to. The images of basic objects and animals will be either 2D or real life images. I have not yet discovered which will be more effective as young children often take literal adaptations from images and will not compare a cartoon car to a real car for example.
Creating an Interactive media programme
The second part of my project consists of creating the interactive media programme, for this section I will need to study tutorials and find effective techniques to make a creative teaching programme.
Websites such as have tutorials on how to create Interactive media. Media such as DVD menu’s and games. I will use these when creating my product however it must be well thought out and planned before I attempt to build the interactive media software. I will use adobe after effects to finalise this product, and used my own images and videos in the final design.


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