Friday 10 December 2010

Photos, Videos and references

Here are a number of phtographs and videos that I used as reference for creating and moving the hand. They are of my hand. I started building with a mind to create a realistic hand, but i thought this might look 'creepy' so as i made the hand I made them slightly more cartoon like. With this in mind I also did not want to create a hand to cartoony that children couldnt relate to it as easy.

This is a video that i looked at of me moving my hand in various ways to see how the skin and other fingers react. this would help me crate more realistic movement. I found out that when the little finger is clenched on its own the finger next to it moves slightly with it. Also when the thumb moves in towards the palm the muscle connecting the thumb to the palm moves in with it, this muscle is called the abductor porcillis brevis. When the middle finger moves on its own the finger next to it moves slightly with it. The thumb has a large rotation pattern compared to the other fingers. The palm skin creases heavily upon finger and thumb movement.  this website shows the structure of the hand along with the different muscles and tendons.

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